
  1. Each ticket will be £1 per month (those who pay more than £1 will have the applicable number of entries in that draw). The numbers entered will be your Labour Membership Number.

  2. The objects of the Club are to raise funds in a monthly draw for the specific purposes of:

    1. Raise funds for Alyn & Deeside and Delyn CLPs to use as they see fit in furthering the CLPs, Branches, Labour Party, subcommittees thereof or associated aims within their areas.

  3. Only available to Labour Members and registered supporters only and you are encouraged to advertise for other Labour Party Members to join. The 100 Club shall not be limited to 100 members. The more shares/numbers we sell, the bigger the prizes!

  4. The minimum age for participation in a society or local authority lottery is 16 years of age.

  5. Lapsed / Ex-Members will void all entries and prizes as this is a society lottery by;

    1. advising the CLP Secretary of intent to leave membership .

    2. arrears of more than one month of membership

    3. By suspension of local CLP or Labour Party

    4. Executive Team may request removal, however this will be advised in writing by the CLP Secretary

  6. Should a non member be selected the draw will be void and redrawn.

  7. There will be No Rollovers allowed.

  8. Members wishing to leave the 100 club may do so by advising the Secretary and cancelling their Standing Order with their own bank. Refunds will not be given for payments made.

  9. Draws will only start once enough members have been included in the draw.

  10. The Club will be administered through the Joint Flintshire Labour Group Fundraising Subcommittee (all meetings must include at least 1 exec of both Alyn & Deeside and Delyn (2 execs min).

  11. Draws will be done by members of the Fundraising Subcommittee on a schedule to be decided by them but not longer than 6 weeks from the last draw and not overlapping any paid subscriptions. [i.e may do Augusts Draw in September having two draws that month if there are no meetings in August]

  12. The 100 Club administrators will make all reasonable efforts to pay or post prizes to the winners within a reasonable period after the monthly draw.

  13. The decision of the Flintshire Labour fundraising subcommittee shall be final in all matters requiring adjudication.

  14. Alyn & Deeside and Delyn CLP executives (Jointly) shall also have the power to amend or revoke these rules at their absolute discretion with such reasonable notice to the 100 Club members as is necessary